LATAM Cargo had a prominent participation in key industry events

LATAM Cargo has demonstrated its commitment to innovation and sustainability in the air cargo sector through its active participation in highly relevant industry events.

At the recent IATA AGM 2024 held in Dubai, Cristina Oñate López de Letona, VP of Sustainability and Product, along with other panelists, discussed the current opportunities and challenges of air cargo transportation. This gathering allowed LATAM Cargo to share its vision and collaborate with other industry leaders.

On the other hand, LATAM Cargo had a prominent presence at Madrid Air Cargo Day, Spain’s most important air cargo event. Recognized by authorities, professionals, and cargo agents, LATAM Cargo reaffirms its role as a bridge connecting Europe with South America. The company continues to expand its destinations for both passenger and cargo flights while promoting sustainable solutions for its clients.

These events highlight LATAM Cargo’s commitment to the development of the air cargo industry, showcasing its perspective as a leader in air cargo in the region and as a facilitator of key connections between continents.

Cristina Oñate, VP Sustainability and Product