LAN CARGO implements new system for the reception of cargo in Miami

In LAN CARGO’s continued search for opportunities to offer additional valuable services to its clients it created reception by appointment allowing clients to define specific times for the reception of cargo in accordance with their needs.

After defining a time with the Account Manager and the area of Operations Reception, the client must register at the counter specifically assigned for clients with an appointment. As soon as a door is available for the physical reception of the cargo, the client will have priority to deliver the cargo. This new procedure eliminates delays and provides a set time for the reception of the cargo.

“The importance of this initiative is based on providing a differential service, with efficient processes and minimal waiting time for trucks at the warehouse. These and other initiatives help in the short and the long term to be more competitive and build loyalty with our clients,” ensures Paulino Alonso, Manager Commercial and Service Operations.

This initiative is born out of the closeness and concern LAN CARGO feels for its clients. We have heard about their needs, and we have looked for opportunities that will make us different from our competitors and strengthen our loyalties.