Frequently asked questions:

Generic information on e-AWB

  • What is an electronic Air Waybill? How does it relate to a paper AWB?
  • What are the major benefits of the e-AWB?
  • What is the link between the e-AWB and e-freight?
  • Who has defined the e-AWB?
  • What are the future adoption targets for the e-AWB?
  • Will IATA communicate project results to everyone?
  • How can I find out more information about the e-AWB?
  • e-AWB and international conventions

  • Where can the e-AWB be implemented?
  • What is the difference between Montreal Protocol 4 and Montreal Convention 1999?
  • Which countries have ratified MP4 and/or MC99?
  • For a traffic route to be considered as under MC99 convention, is it sufficient that both origin and destination countries have signed MC99, even if there is a stop in a non MC99 country?
  • Can the e-AWB be used on MP4/ MC99 trade lanes in case local authorities at origin and/ or destination request access to AWB data?
  • Legal aspects of e-AWB

  • Is there a model agreement for the e-AWB?
  • How many versions of the Standard e-AWB agreement are there, and what are the differences between them?
  • Are IATA and FIATA working on a multilateral e-AWB agreement?
  • What are the e-AWB legal requirements to implement e-AWB?
  • Business processes aspects of e-AWB

  • Under what conditions can a shipment be processed as e-AWB?
  • How does the e-AWB work?
  • What are the e-AWB operational requirements for an airline when implementing e-AWB?
  • When should the Special Handling code ECC be used?
  • Can a shipment be processed as e-AWB even if the shipper did not mark the shipment as EAP or EAW?

  • Should a paper air waybill be printed at the time of freight acceptance as a proof of contract in an e-AWB environment?
  • How is the relation between airline and ground handler (GHA) impacted by e-AWB?
  • What is the Warsaw concept? In case of a Warsaw shipment, how can the GHA be informed about the shippers for which it should accept shipment without a paper AWB contract?
  • In case of a Warsaw shipment with stopping place(s), is it possible to print the paper AWB contract not at origin but at one of the stopping places (or even at destination)?
  • Is there an industry recommendation for the processing of Charges
  • Collect shipments when an e-AWB is used?
  • How do you process Letter of Credit (LoC) in an e-AWB environment.
  • Technical aspects of e-AWB

  • What are the system integration scenarios for the e-AWB?
  • What are the e-AWB implementation (EDI) technical requirements for an airline?
  • What are the e-AWB (EDI) technical requirements for a Shipper when implementing e-AWB?
  • What are the functionalities that should be provided by a Web Portal to support e-AWB?
  • In case the AWB data are transmitted using Cargo-IMP, which version of FWB should be used?
  • Implementing e-AWB

  • Where can I be trained on the e-AWB?
  • How can an airline participate in the e-AWB program?
  • How can a shipper or a forwarder participate in the e-AWB program?
  • I am about to implement the e-AWB, do I need to inform my local Customs?
  • What happens for those stakeholders that cannot send and receive EDI messages?
  • Who is live on the e-AWB and where?
  • Is there a functional specification for the e-AWB?
  • I’ve read the e-AWB reference documents, but need more information.
  • Who do I contact?
  • Find the answers in the link below:


    For any further questions please contact us at: