Cargo Contract: Cargo Contract is a term used in the e-AWB Agreement (bilateral and multilateral) which refers to a contract between the shipper and carrier, for the transportation of a specific cargo shipment.

Cargo Receipt: A document which is provided to the shipper by the carrier which evidences that a cargo contract is in place between the shipper and carrier for a specific cargo shipment. A Cargo Receipt should be made available to the shipper once the contract of carriage is concluded (the shipment has been accepted and deemed “Ready for Carriage"). The Cargo Receipt shall be in paper form, unless otherwise agreed between the parties (parties may for instance agree on using a PDF file instead, if acceptable in their jurisdiction). The layout of the Cargo Receipt is prescribed in Resolution 600g. The Cargo Receipt should not be misunderstood as a Delivery Receipt (see Warehouse Receipt).

ECC: ECC stands for “electronic cargo contract”. It is recommended to use the special handling code ECC to identify shipments that have been established using an electronic contract of carriage. It is recommended the code to be set by the airline, which is in the best position to assess if a specific shipment shall be processed as e-AWB. ECC is useful for the operations (no paper AWB accompanies the shipment) and is used by IATA to monitor industry e-AWB penetration.

FWB: The Cargo-IMP air waybill data message. This message is used to transmit a complete set of Air Waybill data in accordance with the Cargo Services Conference Resolution Manual.

FHL: Under IATA e-freight the IATA Cargo-IMP Consolidation List message serves as the house manifest document. Providing a the date of Freight Forwarder house waybills associated with a Master Air Waybill.

FSU: The Cargo-IMP Status Update message. This message is used to notify/update interested parties with a (change of) status of a specified consignment as recorded in the system of a handling party.


MIP: Message Improvement Program. Free of charge program managed by IATA to help the industry to improve the quality of the messages exchanged between freight forwarders and airlines (mainly FWB and FHL messages). It is used as well by IATA to monitor e-AWB penetration in the industry.

RCS: A Cargo-IMP Status Update message holds a standard code to represent the current status of a consignment. The status code “RCS” indicates that “the consignment has been physically received from the shipper or the shipper’s agent and is considered by the carrier as ready for carriage on this date at this location”. In an e-AWB environment, the electronic contract of carriage (Cargo Contract) is established once the airline issues the FSU RCS message (or its Cargo-XML equivalent) to the shipper.

Shipment Record: Any record of the Cargo Contract preserved by carrier, evidenced by means other than a paper air waybill. The Shipment Record is typically the set of electronic data describing the Cargo Contract stored in the airline database.

Warehouse Receipt: for purposes of the e-AWB Agreement, it is a paper document provided to the shipper by the carrier acknowledging the receipt of the cargo shipment as “Freight on Hand” for carriage by air. At a minimum, the warehouse Receipt must have (a) the weight and number of pieces of the cargo shipment; (b) the date, time and place received by the Carrier; (c) reference the shipment identification number covering the specific cargo shipment. To the extent it is readily available, and indication of the places of departure, destination and, if applicable, agreed stopping places, should also be specified. There is no prescribed format for the layout of a Warehouse Receipt.